Monday, October 31, 2011

Hollywood Awards Predicts Oscars?

Can Hollywood Awards predict Oscar winners? The Oscars are still a few months away, but that doesn't stop movie fans from handicapping their favorites. And the Hollywood Film Awards, handed out earlier at the at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, may be a good harbinger of awards to come.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2," based on the last novel in J.K. Rowling's series, was named Movie of the Year. George Clooney took home the actor award for "The Descendants" and Michelle Williams won the actress award for playing Marilyn Monroe in "My Week with Marilyn."

Both Clooney and Williams have been getting Oscar buzz this fall as have some of the other award winners.

Here's a look at who else went home with a trophy Monday night:

Hollywood Director Award: Bennett Miller for "Moneyball"

Hollywood Supporting Actor Award: Christopher Plummer for "Beginners"

Hollywood Supporting Actress Award: Carey Mulligan for "Shame"

Hollywood Breakthrough Actor Award: Joseph Gordon-Levitt for "50/50"

Hollywood Screenwriter Award: Diablo Cody for "Young Adult"

New Hollywood Award: Felicity Jones for "Like Crazy"

Hollywood Ensemble Cast Award: "The Help" cast - Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Sissy Spacek and Mary Steenburgen

Hollywood Career Achievement Award: Glenn Close for "Albert Nobbs"

Hollywood Producer Award: Letty Aronson for "Midnight in Paris"

Hollywood Breakthrough Director Award: Michel Hazanavicius for "The Artist"

Hollywood Cinematographer Award: Emmanuel Lubezski for "The Tree of Life"

Hollywood Film Composer Award: Alberto Iglesias for "Tinker", "Tailor", "Soldier", "Spy"

Hollywood Editor Award: Stephen Mirrione for "The Ides of March"

Hollywood Production Designer Award: James J Murakami for "J. Edgar"

Hollywood Visual Effects Award: "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" - Scott Farrar

Hollywood Animation Award: "RANGO" directed by Gore Verbinski

Hollywood Spotlight Awards: Shailene Woodley for "The Descendants

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